Service & Price

HK Kit Set:
Included AA , Seal, Signature Chop, 22mm round chop,
Share Certificate, Statutory Book & Green Box
No# of Pages With 10 copies of AA,
10pcs of Share Cetificate
With 20 copies of AA,
20pcs of Share Cetificate
CK version 8 HK$360 HK$390
Registry version (A) 17 HK$430 HK$530
Registry version (B) 28 HK$530 HK$630
Registry version (C) 35 HK$630 HK$730
Registry version (D) 19 HK$460 HK$560
Kit set without AA HK$340 HK$360
HK Kit Set:
Included AA , Seal, Signature Chop, 22mm round chop,
Limited by guarantee Statutory Book & Green Box
No# of Pages With 10 copies of AA With 20 copies of AA
Registry version (D) 19 HK$660 HK$760
HK File Set:
Included AA , Seal, Signature Chop, 22mm round chop,
Share Certificate
No# of Pages With 10 copies of AA,
10pcs of Share Cetificate
With 20 copies of AA,
20pcs of Share Cetificate
CK version 8 HK$400 HK$430
Registry version (A) 17 HK$430 HK$530
Registry version (B) 28 HK$530 HK$630
Registry version (C) 35 HK$630 HK$730
Registry version (D) 19 HK$460 HK$560
File set without AA HK$380 HK$400
Dummy AA (send by E-mail) HK$100
HK$30 discount for KIT set without common seal
Additional HK$20 for each extra page
Additional HK$200 ~ not provide AA in word format for change of company name (Only applicable to CR version)
Extra handling fee of HK$50 for delivery to 3rd party address
Change name with Kit Set:
Included AA , Seal, Signature Chop, 22mm round chop,
Share Certificate, Statutory Book & Green Box
No# of Pages With 10 copies of AA,
10 pcs of Share Cetificate
With 20 copies of AA,
20 pcs of Share Cetificate
Change name with Kit Set (by paper) 8 pgs AA HK$885 HK$985
Change name with Kit Set (by paper) 17 pgs AA HK$955 HK$1,055
Change name with Kit Set (by E submission)* 8 pgs AA HK$985 HK$1,085
Change name with Kit Set (by E submission)* 17 pgs AA HK$1,055 HK$1,155
*include authentication of Company & one Director
Additional HK$20 for each extra page
Additional HK$200 ~ not provide AA in word format for change of company name (Only applicable to CR version)
a. Signature Chop (flat surface pre-inked company chop) HK$85 (Same day delivery HK$550)
b. 22mm round Chop (flat surface pre-inked company chop) HK$60 (Same day delivery HK$550)
c. Seal HK$170 (Same day delivery HK$1,100)
d. Oval (flat surface pre-inked company chop) HK$85 (Same day delivery HK$550)
Sets (Signature Chop+22mm round Chop+Seal) (flat surface pre-inked company chop) HK$260 (for flat surface pre-inked company chop only)
Sets (Signature Chop+22mm round Chop+Oval) (flat surface pre-inked company chop) HK$210
Share Certificates (20 pcs) HK$120
Statutory Book HK$140
Statutory Book (Limited by guarantee) HK$250
Green Box HK$140
Minute Book (50 / 100 pages) HK$200 / HK$250
Amend AA HK$600
AA Printing (10 copies)
AA Printing (20 copies)
HK$200 (within 18 pages) (A4 format)
HK$250 (within 18 pages) (A4 format)
Additional HK$20 for each extra page


HK Shelf co
(Included AA 10 copies, Seal, Signature Chop, 22mm round chop,10 pcs of Share Certificate, Statutory Book & Green Box)
a. HK Shelf co HK$2,300 + BR
b. HK Shelf co with document HK$2,300 + with document HK$350 + BR
c. HK Shelf co with document (CR E-Filing) HK$2,300 + with document HK$600 + BR
Handling fee for Return Shelf co HK$500 (within 2 weeks)
Handling fee for Exchange Shelf co HK$300 (within 2 weeks)
Tailor made / E-incorporation HK Co
(Included AA 10 copies, Seal, Signature Chop, 22mm round chop,10 pcs of Share Certificate, Statutory Book & Green Box)
d. E-incorporation - Company name given by the client
**Founder Member and First Director be appointed by the client**
HK$2,480 + BR (with authentication of 2 natural persons)
e. E-incorporation - Company name given by the client
**CK appointed as Founder Member and First Director**
HK$2,480 + BR
f. Tailor made HK Co - paper documents submission HK$2,480 + BR
Extra fee (HK$100 per person) will be charged for over 2 Directors or Shareholders
If Company's structure has another HK company as Director/shareholder, Extra fee (HK$350 per company) will be charged for e-registry
Additional HK$200 for 30 days credit
for Item b-f ~~HK$350 document fee will be charged if cancel order or not incorporated after 3 months

BVI Shelf / Tailor made
Company with English name only
Include Economic Substance set up
1st ROD, ROM & UBO filing
(additional US$50 for Physical Certificate of Incorporation)
Company with English & Chinese name
Include Economic Substance set up
1st ROD, ROM & UBO filing
(additional US$50 for Physical Certificate of Incorporation)
Incumbency US$120
Good Standing US$200
(additional US$50 for Physical Certificate)
Subsequent change of ROD US$250
Subsequent change of ROM US$200
Subsequent change of UBO US$250
Annual fee
include Economic Substance & Annual Return Filing
Note: US$1 = HK$7.9 & additional US$50 for 30 days credit

Seychelles Tailor made
Company with English name only
Include 1st ROD, UBO filing & Account record keeping
Company with English & Chinese name
Include 1st ROD, UBO filing & Account record keeping
Incumbency US$100
Good Standing US$100
Subsequent change of ROD US$100
Filing of change of UBO US$100
Annual fee
include account record keeping
Note: US$1 = HK$7.9 & additional US$50 for 30 days credit

Samoa Tailor made
Company with English name only US$650
Company with English & Chinese name US$750
Incumbency US$200
Good Standing US$150
Annual fee US$750
Note: US$1 = HK$7.9 & additional US$50 for 30 days credit

Payment Terms: C.O.D.
All Prices are subject to change.
Price for CPA firm, Solicitor firm & TCSP Licensee only.

Provide incorporation services in Cayman Islands.

HK Trademark Registration
Trademark Registration HK$3,100 (included the first class)
Additional class HK$1,600 (per additional class)